Smart Buidlings für eine intelligente Zukunft
Revolutionieren Sie Ihr Gebäude mit der neuesten Technologie für eine intelligentere, nachhaltigere und auf den Menschen ausgerichtete Erfahrung.
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Collaboration between humans and objects: A safety asset
Communications platforms interact with the software and infrastructure ecosystem to ensure comprehensive enterprise security.

Smart Buildings: Focus on Networking and Video Surveillance
Enhance operations and reduce expenses by bringing video surveillance (OT) and IT network best practices together.

NIS 2: ALE takes action on cybersecurity
ALE implements effective measures to protect critical operations and ensure compliance with EU cybersecurity regulations.

Preparing for Wi-Fi 7: Five Key Steps for a Smooth Transiti…
Is your network ready for Wi-Fi 7? Here are five steps to help prepare.

Creating a better world through sustainable architecture
Smart buildings use IoT, OT and IT to minimize environmental impact and make our lives more convenient and pleasant.